Thursday, October 7, 2021

Types of movies/ movie genres

Topic Introduction

 When watching movies, they are all composed of different genres. Genres, in film, are are different elements that define the movie. Basically telling you what type of movies they are.

Background research 

There are a few different genres that are important when it comes to movies. The first one is drama, its a genre that contains stories with a lot of conflict and high stakes. Its created by rule, character, relationships, situations, atmosphere, and tension, like using silence to create tension. Most dramas are plot driven and every character is needed to move the storyline forward. Next is romantic comedy, which is a movie or play that tells a love story but in a funny way. Some characteristics that romantic comedies have are polar opposite characters, comical friends, happy endings, etc. Another one are musicals, these are a genre where songs are interwoven into a narrative, sometimes includes dancing. They have very large impacts on society and pop culture , like how we know it today. The songs from musicals usually advance the plot and develop the film as it goes on. They also use a lot of media shots to capture emotions,   while singing and dancing. Another one is action, which is basically films that use action sequences such as fighting stunts, car chases or explosion to take procedure over elements like complex plotting. In a typical action movie, the hero always has a desire to save the victim and stop the villain, the villain always gives up on his big plans, and they were always a hero and villain, plus the victim. Next is science fiction, its a genre that cooperates hypothetical and science based theme into the plot of the films . They are often associated with abstract worlds that are unknown or never hear of, undiscovered species, etc. Lastly, there is horror comedy, which is a literacy. television, and film genre, that combines elements of comedy and horror films. This sub genre sets blood, gore, and screams right next to gags, falls, and laughs. This really creates its name horror-comedy.

Content Application

For our film genre project, we were supposed to create a PowerPoint based on our research, and the information we knew on certain topics relating to our genre chosen. My group, we did the horror genre. So I collected some research on characteristics, conventions, stereotypes, history, and much more on horror films. Now with this information, I jotted it down in my notes, and transferred a lot of it to a PowerPoint that I had. Each topic had two slides that were worked on, with the information for me. A poster board was also created to name these topics, and basically show off what we've learned from research. We presented these both and shared our information on who are with the class.


I learned a lot from doing my research and reading about the different types of movies and genres.Now I know way more about movies and types of movies I watch. There are so many different movies that I watched and don't know the genre to. Also I learned about subgenres and that there are different characteristics to each genre that makes them equally important and different in their own way.


Notes from presentations


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